Patients with Special Needs

Caring for Patients with Special Needs

Patients with autism, ADHD, traumatic brain injury, and other special needs require a special approach. They are often overwhelmed, apprehensive, and exhibit unusual behaviors. Our clinic schedules 2-hour exams so there is time to make the patient feel comfortable. This entire time is spent face-to-face with the doctor as we do not utilize technicians during the exam.

We regularly work with patients with special needs and have developed a special approach to build rapport, help them feel comfortable, and even start to enjoy themselves. We avoid forcing a patient to take eye drops and gradually put them at ease so they are willing to be part of the decision. If patients are having trouble concentrating, we take a break, often playing with toys to keep their mood positive. We co-manage with other providers like occupational therapists and speech therapists and can refer to other providers as appropriate.